Fall 2022 Online Workshop – Creating & Implementing a Library Customer Service Model and Customer Interaction Strategies

Tuesday, December 6, 2022 – morning and afternoon sessions

Headshot of Lindsey Powers

Morning Session—10am to 11:30am

Creating and Implementing a Library Customer Service Model

Join Lindsey Powers, Customer Experience Administrator at Maricopa County Library District, as she explains why and how a customer service model was developed at her system. She will discuss the importance of reinforcement and continued learning for staff and how managers can recognize and reward staff for excellent customer service.

Headshot of Maurice Coleman

Afternoon Session—2pm to 3:30p

Customer Interaction Strategies

Maurice Coleman, Principal with Coleman & Associates and host of the “T is for Training” podcast, has personal experience in library customer service. He understands the viewpoints of both customers and staff. Join Maurice as he provides insight, advice, and tools for library staff as they navigate customer interactions and potentially challenging customer situations.

Registration closes Thursday, December 1, 2022.


Please select one or both sessions you wish to attend.

These sessions are virtual and will not be recorded.

Both workshops are free for INCOL members; $25 for non-members. Payment invoice sent after registration for non-members.

Virtual Teams links sent after close of registration.

For questions, please contact INCOL Committee Chair Lindsey Miller-Escarfuller at

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