INCOL CE Committee met Friday, Jan. 18, 2013

The draft meeting minutes from January 18 are below as well as posted here. The approved meeting minutes from December 10, 2012 are posted on the Continuing Education Committee Meeting Minutes page.

INCOL CE Committee Meeting Minutes 01/18/2013

(In attendance: Kelly Jenks, Teah Chadderdon, Paula Swan, Marilyn Johnson, Peggy Bryan, Dana Dalrymple, Carlie Hoffman)

Meeting minutes from 12/10/12 approved with the addendum that the current budget stands at $1600.

Report from leadership team
– chair rotation proposal was approved with the addendum that Gonzaga University Library and Gonzaga Law School Library would be incorporated and University of Idaho Library and University of Idaho Law School Library would be incorporated
o Carlie Hoffman will update the roster and post on the website (
– the Committee approved as the new mission statement: The mission of the Inland Northwest Council of Libraries Continuing Education Committee (INCOL CE Committee) is to provide educational and leadership opportunities for library personnel in support of improved library services for people in Eastern Washington and North Idaho.
o Carlie Hoffman will post the new mission statement on the committee’s about page
– position descriptions will be written for the following positions: past chair/secretary, current chair, upcoming chair, web master, registrar
o Paula Swan, Janine Odlevak, Kelly Jenks, and Carlie Hoffman will meet to discuss these positions and write descriptions
– planning steps document will be created by Kelly Jenks to outline a list of tasks and timeframes for planning workshops
– an annual report will be created each year at the end of a chair’s term outlining what was accomplished during that year
o this will commence at the end of Kelly Jenk’s term
– discussion of creating Committee goals was discussed and will be brought back for discussion at a future date
– working with other organizations to sponsor workshops was discussed to broaden the Committee’s reach
o the Committee will not be providing sponsorship funds to SCLD for a program due to time restraints and lack of input from the directors regarding sponsorship
o Kelly Jenks will contact the directors for feedback regarding possible sponsorships and/or cooperative workshops in the future
– tribal libraries will be contacted by Paula Swan, Janine Odlevak, and Teah Chadderdon to build relationships with the Committee to cross-promote and offer educational opportunities
– formalizing a promotional plan to contact organizations and individuals regarding upcoming workshops will be discussed at an upcoming leadership meeting
o potential new contacts: Eastern State Hospital, Airway Heights Corrections Center, Fairchild Air Force Base, email discussion lists
– Doodle will continue to be used to survey potential meeting dates and times
– Kelly Jenks emailed Hans Bynagle to inquire what will happen with the INCOL treasurer position after he retires
o response from Hans is pending
o this position may need to be filled by someone from a private institution
– marketing documents must not use the word “free”, “no charge” or “no registration fee” is preferred

Upcoming workshop for Spring 2013
– target dates are April 1 – April 12
o Kelly Jenks will email the Committee for feedback regarding this date range
– possible topics
o innovations in our profession
 RDA, devices, social media, open source
o communication between IT and librarians by presenter Carson Block
– possible locations
o Colfax, Spokane Public Library, Riverpoint, Bozarth, Gonzaga

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