Fall 2014 INCOL Workshop – Gadget Menagerie: Tablet & E-Reader Training for Library Staff

Friday, October 17th
10:00 am – 3:30 pm
Coeur d’Alene Public Library
702 E. Front Avenue, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Stumped when patrons ask about iPad apps? Confused about the differences between the various eReaders? The Washington State Library, University of Idaho, and the Idaho Commission for Libraries are partnering with INCOL for “Gadget Menagerie” training on handheld devices for library staff. Learn how various eReaders, tablets and other devices work. Discover what these devices have in common, how they differ, and learn basic operating tips. Learn basic troubleshooting and tips for helping patrons with their devices, including how to download books from the library.

The Gadget Menagerie will familiarize local library staff with the variety of devices available, letting staff be more comfortable and skilled in helping library patrons. The menagerie includes Kindles, Nooks, Galaxy Tablets, iPads, Microsoft Surface, and a Chromebook. Also on hand will be assistive reading devices from the Assistive Technology Resource Center at the University of Idaho.

Presenters & Trainers:
Washington State Library – Joe Olayvar, Evelyn Lindberg, and Jennifer Fenton
Idaho Commission for Libraries, Special Projects Library Action Team – Nick Madsen
Assistive Devices from Univeristy of Idaho – Michael Mann

10:00 – 10:30 Registration
10:30 – 12:00 WSL and SPLAT “Introduction to Devices”
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Break (on your own)
1:00 – 1:30 Registration (or long lunch)
1:30 – 3:30 Breakout Training with Devices

Sign up for all day or just morning introduction or afternoon “hands-on” sessions. Register by Friday, October 10th, with Tami Robinson, trobinson@whitworth.edu, stating your preference.
 No registration fee for employees of INCOL member libraries
 $25 for non-INCOL members and $5 for library tech students
 Find more information at http://incol.scld.org
 Get directions at http://www.cdalibrary.org/about/48-hours-and-directions

Share with your colleagues! Click here for a printable flyer.

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